Friday, May 31

Australian Innovations

Use these sites to help you with your Australian Innovations task!

Our Clever Country

Here's what we came up with!

Excellent work 6A!

Wednesday, May 29

Modal Verbs & Adverbs

In writing we've been learning about using high modality words to persuade our reader. 
Check out Cooper's poster outlining the difference between low, medium and high modal verbs and adverbs!

Tuesday, May 28

World War 1 Care Packages

As part of our homework, we put together a World War 1 care package suitable for a soldier fighting far away from home. As you can see, a lot of thought was put into completing this task. Well done 6A!

Monday, May 27

Australian Icons

Look closely at the image and list all the icons that represent our Australian Identity.

Wednesday, May 15

Persuasive Techniques

We've been busy learning about techniques we can use to persuade readers. 
Here's what we've come up with so far!

Friday, May 10

Week 2 Reflection

It's been another great week in 6A! 
We had our first bush dancing lesson in the shed - it was so much fun! Mrs Foyster taught at how to Heel and Toe and Strip the Willow. Can't wait for next week! We also had our first Peer Support session which was a great success. Congratulations to everyone who competed at the NCIS Touch Football Championships on Wednesday and good luck to those students who made the team to compete in Sydney.

What was the highlight of your week?

Friday, May 3

Week 1 Reflection

It has been an incredibly busy first week of Term 2! We have started learning about Australian Identity by investigating ANZAC Day and had our Peer Support training day at Sunshine Ave.
Cross Country was a great success with many 6A students qualifying for NCIS at Fingal - congratulations!

Special congratulations must go to Age Champions Will & Jade. Well done!

What was your favourite activity or event this week?

Thursday, May 2

Peer Support Training Day

We had a fantastic day at Sunshine Ave learning how to be Peer Support leaders!

What was your favourite activity?
What are you most looking forward to in your role as a Peer Support leader?
What challenges to you think you'll face as a Peer Support leader?