Wednesday, February 6

March of the Penguins

Which part of March of the Penguins did you find most fascinating? Comment and explain. 
You may also like to explain what anthropomorphism is and give an example from the documentary.


  1. i liked when the penguins acted like humans, when they went for walks and protected there baby's when the storms and high winds were on. Anthropomorphism means animals acting like human's, just like when the adult penguins went out to get food for their baby's, humans would do that as well

    Shayna Cassone

  2. I think the most amazing think about the penguins is the dad can stay alive for 8 weeks without eating. Anthropomorphism is when the penguin is in charge of the egg or something else and the movie was soo funny 😃😳😝

  3. I liked the documentary. The most interesting thing in the March of the Penguins was when the Fathers were able too look after the eggs during the storms and survive for so long without food. Anthropomorphism means animals do things humans would do.


  4. i liked watching march of the penguins because the penguins were just like humans.
    the thing that inspired me was when the mothers would go for 2 months and bring food back but while they are gone the fathers would take care of the egg and wait for it to hatch.when it hatches the fathers will feed them a milk type substance but the fathers have a little pouch in their throat that keeps the substance to feed the chick.
    The penguins are just like humans that is called anthropomorphism it is great.

    by Lachlan

  5. After watching the film March of the Penguins. My favourite festinating thing in the movie was the migration, they march for 20 days and 20 nights without food. I think that's incredible just to get to there breeding habitat.
    Anthropomorphism means something behaving like humans.
    In the movie they acted like humans when they protected there baby from the strong winds and going for long walks to get food for there family also themselves we do that as well.
    Ebony :)

  6. I didn't watch march of the penguins although after talking about it in class I was most fascinated about the male food reservers they keep for the baby's. Anthropomorphism means animals acting like humans.


  7. My favourite part about the documentary was when the chicks were being born. It was so intense when they were born and the bird was coming after them.

    Anthropomorphism (big word!) means, animals acting like humans with their features.
